Sargasso Sea League

League Information
League Code SAR
Location Iowa
Teams 18
Region Iowa
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Team RS AUTO ASCENT High Score W-L-T Plays
1 12168 Plainsmen Robotics 12168 2.00 14.80 12.30 113 10-0-0 24
2 10082 Mechanicats 10082 2.00 13.00 4.20 86 10-0-0 30
3 15055 DeDuckTive Thinkers 15055 2.00 12.50 1.80 94 10-0-0 30
4 23971 Trobotix JV 23971 2.00 12.40 3.00 87 10-0-0 30
5 5062 Duckasaurus 5062 2.00 11.80 3.60 77 10-0-0 30
6 8696 Trobotix 8696 2.00 9.40 1.80 105 10-0-0 30
7 18482 Mechanical Soup 18482 2.00 9.10 8.10 94 10-0-0 30
8 12745 Long John Launchers 12745 2.00 8.90 3.90 96 10-0-0 24
9 13532 EagleBots 13532 2.00 8.30 14.70 119 10-0-0 30
10 367 Organized Chaos 367 2.00 7.70 3.90 78 10-0-0 30
11 8743 Raw Bacon 8743 2.00 7.70 2.70 97 10-0-0 24
12 6458 Burgbots 6458 2.00 7.00 4.20 102 10-0-0 24
13 4177 Finger Tightans 4177 2.00 6.40 4.50 89 10-0-0 24
14 4237 Cyberhawks 4237 1.80 8.20 4.20 97 9-1-0 30
15 25788 Byte Brawlers 25788 1.60 7.10 7.20 79 8-2-0 24
16 6072 Wildbot Robotics 6072 1.60 6.80 9.60 119 8-2-0 18
17 22064 ThunderBots 22064 1.60 5.30 3.90 76 8-2-0 24
18 10602 Pioneer Robotics 10602 1.40 6.40 4.20 75 7-3-0 24

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USIASARM2 Sargasso_2024-11-02 Solon, IA, USA 11/2/24
USIASARM1 Sargasso_2024-11-09 Iowa City, IA, USA 11/9/24
USIASARM3 Sargasso_2024-11-16 Iowa City, IA, USA 11/16/24
USIASARM4 Sargasso_2024-11-23 Iowa City, IA, USA 11/23/24
USIASARM5 Sargasso_2024-12-07 Riverside, IA, USA 12/7/24
USIASARM6 Sargasso_2024-12-21 Belle Plaine, IA, USA 12/21/24
USIASARM7 Sargasso_2025-01-11 West Burlington, IA, USA 1/11/25
USIASARLT Sargasso League Tournament Iowa City, IA, USA 2/1/25
Number Name From
12745 Long John Launchers Danville, IA, USA
6458 Burgbots Williamsburg, IA, USA
18482 Mechanical Soup West Burlington, IA, USA
5062 Duckasaurus Solon, IA, USA
22064 ThunderBots North Liberty, IA, USA
23971 Trobotix JV Iowa City, IA, USA
13532 EagleBots Washington, IA, USA
12168 Plainsmen Robotics Belle Plaine, IA, USA
15055 DeDuckTive Thinkers Solon, IA, USA
4177 Finger Tightans Riverside, IA, USA
8696 Trobotix Iowa City, IA, USA
25788 Byte Brawlers Wellman, IA, USA
4237 Cyberhawks Donnellson, IA, USA
10082 Mechanicats Durant, IA, USA
367 Organized Chaos Solon, IA, USA
8743 Raw Bacon Iowa City, IA, USA
6072 Wildbot Robotics Columbus Junction, IA, USA
10602 Pioneer Robotics Fairfield, IA, USA