Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the FIRST in Texas FTC State Championship - Nikola Tesla Division can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Division Of FIRST in Texas FTC State Championship
Dates Event Complete (Week 28 since kickoff)
Monday, March 20 to Sunday, 26 March 2023
Venue Bell County Expo Center (Garth Arena)
301 W Loop 121
Belton, TX USA
Region Texas - Central
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 36
Number Name
3708 Iron Eagles Optimus
4886 Robo Junkies
5470 Montwood Rambotics
6299 ViperBots QuadX
7172 Technical Difficulties
8284 Soap Dispenser
9045 Motorhead
10676 Lady Warbots
12313 Hotdawgs
12393 Pioneer Pi-Thons
12448 M.A.R.S. - Patriot Engineering
12596 ViperBots Copperhead
12791 Iterative Intentions
12928 LightSaders
12977 Rust In Peace
12978 CCHS Panther Robotics
13265 Osiris
13590 Viperstrike
13755 Robocat
13948 Cathedral Robotics
16272 Mark X
16458 TechnoWizards
16597 Fulminata
16617 Nazareth Robotics
18227 Area 52
18483 Buckar00s
19502 The Moment Makers
19564 The Marvels of MAS
19567 Tier1
19947 Nano Trojans
19991 Chuckleheads
20394 Mustangs2.0
20716 BeauBots
21438 Chaotic Current
21962 Raging Cy-Bots
22320 ROGUE-RANGERS Vengeance
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