Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the CHS-VA Herndon Qualifier can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Dates Event Complete (Week 21 since kickoff)
Sunday, January 29 to Sunday, 29 January 2023
Venue Herndon High School
700 Bennett St
Herndon, VA USA
Region Chesapeake
4 teams advance to Chesapeake FTC Championship
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 38
Number Name
226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226
369 Oakton Cougar Robotics 369
389 The Swarm
3583 Cybirds
3796 Talons
4234 Engineered Chaos
4451 FireFoxes
5014 Future Gadget Lab
5178 Mech Hawks
5225 Sidwell Varsity
6010 Thunder Stone
7518 QO CouGears
7519 QO CougarBotics
7631 Instant Oats
8395 The A-Team
11112 RoboLords
11695 DeJava
12096 Absolute Zero
12888 The Stingers
13270 Electric Slide
13599 BruinBots
14315 mobiUs
14575 Capital Bots
14607 Robot Uprising
15167 Robo Troopers
16598 Fairfax Roarbotics
18103 Nth Degree
18230 luminUs
18381 RAM Eaters
19640 Foxcroft
20337 Say Watt?
21232 no team
21310 nexUs
21814 Robots on Roids
21886 Lithium
21929 Profound Pythons
22022 Electric Eagles
22685 chosenconquerors
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