Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the FIRST Championship - Houston - World Championship - FIRST Tech Challenge can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code FTCCMP1
Dates Event Complete (Week 32 since kickoff)
Tuesday, April 18 to Saturday, 22 April 2023
Venue George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida De Las Americas
Houston, TX USA
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 192
25 Rock N' Roll Robots
207 Critical Mass
365 MOE (The Miracle Workerz)
636 Occam's Razor Clams
724 RedNek Robotics Wun
1002 CircuitRunners Robotics - Surge
3189 Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
3409 Astromechs
3540 RoboBoogie
3658 The BOSONS
3763 Piece of Cake
4133 Fusion
4137 IslandBots
5026 Tesla Coils
5159 X-bots
5386 Fabricators
5470 Montwood Rambotics
5741 CVU RoboHawks
5773 Ink and Metal
5843 AutoVortex
5898 Galactic Lions - Andromeda
6133 The "NUTS!"
6165 MSET CuttleFish
6220 DRIFT (Dinosaurs Racing in Food Trucks)
6272 Iron Eagles Prime
6273 Technocats
6299 ViperBots QuadX
6417 Blu Cru
6584 Rhinos
6645 Roboticus Maximus
6832 Iron Reign
6899 Blue Bots
7129 Robo Raiders
7172 Technical Difficulties
7242 BC Robocats
7244 OUT of the BOX Robotics
7324 Oxymorons
7393 electron Volts
7643 Tiger Tech Orange
7767 Blueprints
7842 Browncoats
8365 Gearmasters
8393 The Giant Diencephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
8565 TechnicBots
8641 The Masters
8644 The Brainstormers
8651 Wait For It...
8680 Kraken-Pinion
8813 The Winter Soldiers
9415 Wrench Dressing
9864 Jug Rox Robotix
9879 Root Negative One
9889 Cruise Control
9956 The Knack
9974 T.H.O.R.
10101 Binary Bullets
10127 Tesla's Knights
10265 Force Green
10355 Project Peacock
10391 Lynx Robotics
10477 Rapid Robots
10544 Cyber Eagles - Silver
10949 Mechanical Operations Bureau
11047 screw it
11129 Novi Robotitans
11225 DELTA Robotics (Louisville Collegiate School)
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics
11468 Ohm Raiders
11511 Referees
11574 Incognito
11770 Curiosity
11780 B.L.U.E Box
11841 STEAM Punks
12398 Bobcat Robotics
12599 Overcharged
12635 Kuriosity Robotics
12791 Iterative Intentions
12887 Devolt Phobos
12993 RoboKings
13181 Free WiFi
14010 Techno Phoenix
14023 SCHS Robotic Team - Phoenix Fire
14140 Crash Test
14204 Super Scream Bros
14212 Metrobotics
14349 Gong Invaders
14374 Dark Matter
14380 Blue BotBuilders
14423 RoboCorns
14436 Roaring Robotics
14481 Don't Blink
14496 Roboctopi
14503 Robo Sapiens
14525 TerraBats
14706 Armada Pi-Gears
14779 Spontaneous Construction
14825 Waffles
14903 SharkBots
15005 Technophobia
15006 Nerdvana
15173 Robotic Eagles
15342 Aries
15534 VERTEX
15637 Fata Morgana
15972 TehnoZ
16008 Armored Artemises
16091 T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym)
16158 VC Silver Circuits
16236 Juice
16267 Forces Unknown
16290 Z.I.P Ties
16377 Spicy Ketchup
16379 KookyBotz
16410 GentleBotz
16417 ROC
16433 Quasar
16441 Pretty Smart Robotics
16449 Juniper Robotics
16458 TechnoWizards
16461 Infinite Turtles
16671 Northville Broncobots
16771 Creepy Crawlies
16786 Cavalo Vendado
17080 NewT.exe
17127 Electrobotics
17628 Grover Robotics
17962 Ro2D2
18095 Haywired! Robotics
18139 Rebel Robotics
18172 Uplift Robotics
18185 Lightbotics
18225 High Definition
18270 RoboPlayers
18317 Steel Eels
18341 MechRams
18424 LYBOTICS Super Team
18425 Ubbo Tech Team
18432 LYBOTICS Scout Team
18438 Wolfpack Machina
18457 GatorBytes
18492 Mukhtar Robotics Team
18527 PCM Alchemists
18754 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect (GNCE)
18763 Texpand
18833 Megiddo Lions
18840 Reynolds Roborunners
18984 Hurricanes505
19044 Peppers
19207 NKshrimps
19332 QPS-Saudi
19366 CTF
19411 Tech Tigers
19444 Lorentz Engineering
19458 Equilibrium.exe
19498 Devolotics
19502 The Moment Makers
19571 The Robo Brigade
19675 WX
19746 The Disruptingly Robocephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
19818 Jade Innovations
19824 Pride Robotics
19857 GigaBots
19889 Robo-Sapiens
19953 Scrap Metal
20277 Tornades Chasers
20434 Binding Energy
20500 Bionic Lizards
20626 Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies 1
20914 Lab Fusion
21055 Pascal Lefkosia Eagles
21159 PITZZA
21225 Shear Force
21229 Quality Control
21329 Squires of the Lab Table
21397 Sonic Rover
21503 Trumbull High School Ace Robotics 72
21618 Circuit Breakers 4-H Robotics
22222 Dominican Republic Incredible FIRST Team (Team DRIFT)
22312 The Brobdingnagian Tritocephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
22509 CKK-ROBOT Senior
22641 Ezreal
22683 JV RoboRedHawks
22940 AENTA
23114 Sabah
23160 Robodes
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