Knuth League

League Information
League Code KN
Location Oak Harbor
Teams 11
Region Washington
Parent League Feynman
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
High Score
1 8934 Terminal Velocity 8934 2.00 23.00 0.90 175 10-0-0 12
2 3491 FIX IT 3491 1.80 17.00 3.30 169 9-1-0 12
3 7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats 7676 1.60 7.90 0.60 131 8-2-0 12
4 7198 Mechanical Minks 7198 1.20 18.10 7.50 175 6-4-0 12
5 24252 Whidbey Island Wildcats C 24252 1.20 8.10 2.70 124 6-4-0 12
6 21348 Redhawk Robotics High School Team 21348 1.20 7.00 1.20 148 6-4-0 12
7 22299 Chimacum Pi 22299 0.80 7.90 1.50 122 4-6-0 12
8 17610 OCEAN FTC 17610 0.60 7.90 4.50 130 3-7-0 12
9 22196 Wildcat Circuitry 22196 0.40 4.00 1.80 120 2-8-0 12
10 24422 Chimacum Middle School 24422 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0-0-0 0
11 24423 Chimacum High School Team 24423 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0-0-0 0

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
USWAKNM1 Knuth League Meet 1 Oak Harbor, WA, USA 10/27/24
USWAKNM2 Knuth League Meet 2 Oak Harbor, WA, USA 11/17/24
3491 FIX IT Victoria, BC, Canada
7198 Mechanical Minks Anacortes, WA, USA
7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats Oak Harbor, WA, USA
8934 Terminal Velocity Anacortes, WA, USA
17610 OCEAN FTC Port Townsend, WA, USA
21348 Redhawk Robotics High School Team Port Townsend, WA, USA
22196 Wildcat Circuitry Oak Harbor, WA, USA
22299 Chimacum Pi Chimacum, WA, USA
24252 Whidbey Island Wildcats C Oak Harbor, WA, USA
24422 Chimacum Middle School Chimacum, WA, USA
24423 Chimacum High School Team Chimacum, WA, USA