FiT-W&P Odessa League

League Information
League Code OD
Location [W&P] Odessa, Texas
Teams 19
Region Texas - FIT
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Team RS AUTO ASCENT High Score W-L-T Plays
1 11902 KillSwitch Robotics 11902 2.00 14.10 14.70 107 10-0-0 15
2 22856 Bots That Knock 22856 2.00 3.80 11.40 89 10-0-0 15
3 17481 Talk Nerdy to Me 17481 2.00 3.30 3.00 101 10-0-0 15
4 10861 Wired and Tired 10861 1.80 3.20 6.90 61 9-1-0 15
5 15491 Venom Robotics 15491 1.60 5.10 4.80 61 8-2-0 15
6 17304 A Perfect Remix 17304 1.60 3.90 7.80 86 8-2-0 15
7 11004 Cantina Crew 11004 1.60 2.90 1.80 73 8-2-0 15
8 23455 OCTECHS Robotics Club 23455 1.40 2.90 5.10 74 7-3-0 15
9 10860 Squid Gear 10860 1.40 2.90 4.50 58 7-3-0 15
10 20238 Rapture Raptors 20238 1.20 4.00 12.30 66 6-4-0 15
11 23714 Shark Tank 23714 1.20 2.40 2.40 59 6-4-0 10
12 17480 CIA - Cats In Action 17480 1.20 2.10 3.00 62 6-4-0 15
13 15493 The Misfits 15493 1.10 3.40 6.30 107 5-4-1 15
14 17479 Decepticons 17479 1.00 4.40 3.00 73 5-5-0 15
15 10528 BOTS IN BLACK 10528 0.90 4.10 12.90 66 4-5-1 15
16 23713 Talon Tech 23713 0.90 2.20 4.20 62 4-5-1 10
17 27996 PowerCATS 27996 0.80 3.00 8.40 46 4-6-0 15
18 22169 Eagle Team 1 22169 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0-0-0 0
19 27016 Harry Botter 27016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0-0-0 0

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USTXODM1 FiT-W&P Odessa League Meet #1 Andrews, TX, USA 11/9/24
USTXODM2 FiT-W&P Odessa League Meet #2 Odessa, TX, USA 12/7/24
USTXODM3 FiT-W&P Odessa League Meet #3 Odessa, TX, USA 1/18/25
USTXODLT FiT-W&P Odessa League Tournament Odessa, TX, USA 2/8/25
Number Name From
11004 Cantina Crew Odessa, TX, USA
17481 Talk Nerdy to Me Wink, TX, USA
27996 PowerCATS WINK, TX, USA
17304 A Perfect Remix Andrews, TX, USA
15491 Venom Robotics Odessa, TX, USA
17479 Decepticons Wink, TX, USA
23714 Shark Tank Seminole, TX, USA
23455 OCTECHS Robotics Club Odessa, TX, USA
11902 KillSwitch Robotics Andrews, TX, USA
10861 Wired and Tired Odessa, TX, USA
23713 Talon Tech Seminole, TX, USA
15493 The Misfits Odessa, TX, USA
10528 BOTS IN BLACK Andrews, TX, USA
27016 Harry Botter Odessa, TX, USA
10860 Squid Gear Odessa, TX, USA
20238 Rapture Raptors Andrews, TX, USA
22856 Bots That Knock Andrews, TX, USA
17480 CIA - Cats In Action Wink, TX, USA
22169 Eagle Team 1 Pecos, TX, USA