Northern Nevada League

League Information
League Code NO
Location Northern Nevada (Reno & Elko)
Teams 21
Region Nevada
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Team RS AUTO ASCENT High Score W-L-T Plays
1 16158 VC Silver Circuits 16158 2.00 29.10 13.80 217 10-0-0 31
2 22774 URSA Major 22774 2.00 22.00 3.60 178 10-0-0 26
3 23667 The Nano Ninjas 23667 2.00 18.10 0.60 136 10-0-0 31
4 17506 Wolverines 17506 2.00 12.70 3.90 217 10-0-0 21
5 15903 Chaos 15903 2.00 10.40 3.30 204 10-0-0 31
6 20681 Giga Bite 20681 2.00 8.50 3.90 165 10-0-0 21
7 21238 Perpetual Motion 21238 1.60 13.30 3.30 210 8-2-0 21
8 15492 ELrobotiKO 15492 1.60 8.50 1.80 132 8-2-0 15
9 21632 The Great Golden Gryphons 21632 1.60 5.60 6.00 82 8-2-0 16
10 26019 FalconBots 26019 1.20 1.10 4.20 95 6-4-0 10
11 23316 Huskies1 23316 1.00 4.90 3.90 110 5-5-0 15
12 25913 ALT-F4 25913 1.00 3.20 6.90 113 5-5-0 11
13 18419 Comstock Coders 18419 0.80 6.40 5.40 143 4-6-0 11
14 16779 Robo Archers 16779 0.60 5.30 4.20 104 3-7-0 16
15 24797 CAS MS Reno Falcons 24797 0.60 1.40 2.10 59 3-7-0 10
16 21707 MinerBots 21707 0.40 5.20 1.50 90 2-8-0 15
17 16552 Air Raid 16552 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0-0-0 0

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USNVNOM1 NV Northern League Meet # 1N Reno, NV, USA 12/7/24
USNVNOM2 NV Northern League Meet # 2N Reno, NV, USA 12/7/24
USNVNOM3 NV Northern League Meet # 3N Yerington, NV, USA 1/11/25
USNVNOM4 NV Northern League Meet # 4N Yerington, NV, USA 1/11/25
USNVNOM5 NV Northern League Meet # 5N Sparks, NV, USA 1/25/25
USNVNOM6 NV Northern League Meet # 6N Sparks, NV, USA 1/25/25
USNVNOLT NV Northern League Tournament Reno, NV, USA 2/7/25 - 2/8/25
Number Name From
23861 Green Bandits Fallon, NV, USA
21632 The Great Golden Gryphons Reno, NV, USA
20681 Giga Bite South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
24797 CAS MS Reno Falcons Reno, NV, USA
21707 MinerBots Reno, NV, USA
20285 Truckee Robotics Truckee, CA, USA
26019 FalconBots Reno, NV, USA
15492 ELrobotiKO Elko, NV, USA
16552 Air Raid Spring Creek, NV, USA
21238 Perpetual Motion Soda Springs, CA, USA
21621 Zoomies South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
22296 Techno Wave Fallon, NV, USA
23667 The Nano Ninjas Sparks, NV, USA
16158 VC Silver Circuits Virginia City, NV, USA
17506 Wolverines West Wendover, NV, USA
15903 Chaos Yerington, NV, USA
22774 URSA Major Reno, NV, USA
16779 Robo Archers Sparks, NV, USA
25913 ALT-F4 Reno, NV, USA
18419 Comstock Coders Virginia City, NV, USA
23316 Huskies1 Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA