Qualification 1
Sat 12/14 -
11:11 AM
26249 SKAR |
23738 Sparta Robotica FTC 1 |
11308 YISE |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
Qualification 2
Sat 12/14 -
11:17 AM
24333 Hot Single Robots |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
25241 The Hi Fives |
28497 The Starlanders |
Qualification 3
Sat 12/14 -
11:22 AM
20771 Bionic Badgers |
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
23546 Vilas Matrix |
25663 The Curiously Crafty Quest of Quintessential Coders |
Qualification 4
Sat 12/14 -
11:26 AM
23476 OWL Robotics |
17153 Squid Squad |
19541 Circuit Sharks |
24120 Sparta Robotica FTC 2 |
Qualification 5
Sat 12/14 -
11:32 AM
21430 BroomBots |
24065 RaptorBotics |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
23477 The Moonlanders |
Qualification 6
Sat 12/14 -
11:40 AM
25663 The Curiously Crafty Quest of Quintessential Coders |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
23476 OWL Robotics |
23546 Vilas Matrix |
Qualification 7
Sat 12/14 -
11:48 AM
26249 SKAR |
17153 Squid Squad |
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
23738 Sparta Robotica FTC 1 |
Qualification 8
Sat 12/14 -
11:53 AM
24333 Hot Single Robots |
19541 Circuit Sharks |
23477 The Moonlanders |
20771 Bionic Badgers |
Qualification 9
Sat 12/14 -
1:01 PM
11308 YISE |
25241 The Hi Fives |
24065 RaptorBotics |
28497 The Starlanders |
Qualification 10
Sat 12/14 -
1:08 PM
24120 Sparta Robotica FTC 2 |
24333 Hot Single Robots |
21430 BroomBots |
25663 The Curiously Crafty Quest of Quintessential Coders |
Qualification 11
Sat 12/14 -
1:13 PM
23476 OWL Robotics |
19541 Circuit Sharks |
25241 The Hi Fives |
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
Qualification 12
Sat 12/14 -
1:19 PM
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
21430 BroomBots |
17153 Squid Squad |
11308 YISE |
Qualification 13
Sat 12/14 -
1:25 PM
20771 Bionic Badgers |
23546 Vilas Matrix |
26249 SKAR |
24065 RaptorBotics |
Qualification 14
Sat 12/14 -
1:34 PM
23477 The Moonlanders |
24120 Sparta Robotica FTC 2 |
28497 The Starlanders |
23738 Sparta Robotica FTC 1 |
Qualification 15
Sat 12/14 -
1:40 PM
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
25663 The Curiously Crafty Quest of Quintessential Coders |
19541 Circuit Sharks |
11308 YISE |
Qualification 16
Sat 12/14 -
1:44 PM
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
24065 RaptorBotics |
23738 Sparta Robotica FTC 1 |
24333 Hot Single Robots |
Qualification 17
Sat 12/14 -
1:48 PM
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
25241 The Hi Fives |
20771 Bionic Badgers |
24120 Sparta Robotica FTC 2 |
Qualification 18
Sat 12/14 -
1:55 PM
17153 Squid Squad |
23477 The Moonlanders |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
23546 Vilas Matrix |
Qualification 19
Sat 12/14 -
2:00 PM
28497 The Starlanders |
23476 OWL Robotics |
21430 BroomBots |
26249 SKAR |
Qualification 20
Sat 12/14 -
2:06 PM
23546 Vilas Matrix |
17153 Squid Squad |
24333 Hot Single Robots |
11308 YISE |
Qualification 21
Sat 12/14 -
2:11 PM
25663 The Curiously Crafty Quest of Quintessential Coders |
26249 SKAR |
25241 The Hi Fives |
23477 The Moonlanders |
Qualification 22
Sat 12/14 -
2:16 PM
19541 Circuit Sharks |
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
28497 The Starlanders |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
Qualification 23
Sat 12/14 -
2:23 PM
23738 Sparta Robotica FTC 1 |
20771 Bionic Badgers |
23476 OWL Robotics |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
Qualification 24
Sat 12/14 -
2:28 PM
24120 Sparta Robotica FTC 2 |
21430 BroomBots |
24065 RaptorBotics |
19541 Circuit Sharks |
Qualification 25
Sat 12/14 -
2:34 PM
17153 Squid Squad |
28497 The Starlanders |
25663 The Curiously Crafty Quest of Quintessential Coders |
20771 Bionic Badgers |
Qualification 26
Sat 12/14 -
2:38 PM
24065 RaptorBotics |
24333 Hot Single Robots |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
23476 OWL Robotics |
Qualification 27
Sat 12/14 -
2:43 PM
24120 Sparta Robotica FTC 2 |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
26249 SKAR |
Qualification 28
Sat 12/14 -
2:47 PM
23738 Sparta Robotica FTC 1 |
25241 The Hi Fives |
23546 Vilas Matrix |
21430 BroomBots |
Qualification 29
Sat 12/14 -
2:55 PM
11308 YISE |
19970 The 3rd Turtle |
23477 The Moonlanders |
23476 OWL Robotics |