Qualification Matches
Approx. Local Time: 21:11
Compact Mode
# | Red | Blue | Score | ||
4:00 PM |
1 18495 | 26226 | 22172 | 26302 |
4:07 PM |
2 26404 | 26753 | 22175 | 24806 |
4:14 PM |
3 19361 | 19294 | 27338 | 26757 |
4:21 PM |
4 26253 | 19354 | 21412 | 22175 |
4:28 PM |
5 19361 | 27338 | 26302 | 26404 |
4:35 PM |
6 22172 | 24806 | 26757 | 26253 |
4:42 PM |
7 19354 | 18495 | 26226 | 19294 |
4:49 PM |
8 21412 | 22172 | 26753 | 19361 |
4:56 PM |
9 26226 | 26404 | 19294 | 26253 |
5:03 PM |
10 26302 | 26757 | 26753 | 19354 |
5:10 PM |
11 24806 | 27338 | 21412 | 18495 |
5:17 PM |
12 22175 | 26302 | 19294 | 22172 |
5:24 PM |
13 26253 | 24806 | 19354 | 19361 |
5:31 PM |
14 18495 | 26757 | 26404 | 21412 |
5:38 PM |
15 26753 | 22175 | 27338 | 26226 |
5:45 PM |
16 19294 | 26302 | 24806 | 21412 |
5:52 PM |
17 26757 | 19361 | 22175 | 26226 |
5:59 PM |
18 26404 | 27338 | 22172 | 19354 |
6:06 PM |
19 26253 | 26753 | 18495 | 19294 |
This event is in progress, and times are subject to change based on the flow of matches. Start times in italics are scheduled and approximate only. See Pit Administration for more information.
All times are displayed in Eastern European Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in
Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.