Qualification 1
Sun 1/21 -
1:32 PM
12217 Bionic Blazers |
7742 The Electric Sheep |
8563 Thunder Goats |
11186 Mecha-Mules |
Qualification 2
Sun 1/21 -
1:37 PM
20118 The Titans |
9876 The Countdown |
10548 Steel Wool |
19800 Dragon Byte |
Qualification 3
Sun 1/21 -
1:42 PM
6559 Geared Reaction |
24489 Orcabotics |
10244 Bearcat Robotics |
8548 Bearly Functioning |
Qualification 4
Sun 1/21 -
1:52 PM
21379 Adna Robotics 2 |
5604 Thunderbots |
13601 BeaverBots |
17077 Adna Robotics |
Qualification 5
Sun 1/21 -
2:00 PM
6424 Oly Cow |
21939 Pythons |
5971 Brain Bots |
13484 404 not Found |
Qualification 6
Sun 1/21 -
2:08 PM
21336 I Forgot |
13480 Oly-wan Kenobi |
22149 Silly Goose Robotics |
16451 Foundation |
Qualification 7
Sun 1/21 -
2:13 PM
8563 Thunder Goats |
24336 Naselle Comets |
24196 Furious 5 |
8548 Bearly Functioning |
Qualification 8
Sun 1/21 -
2:19 PM
5604 Thunderbots |
11186 Mecha-Mules |
9876 The Countdown |
24489 Orcabotics |
Qualification 9
Sun 1/21 -
2:27 PM
6424 Oly Cow |
10244 Bearcat Robotics |
17077 Adna Robotics |
10548 Steel Wool |
Qualification 10
Sun 1/21 -
2:34 PM
6559 Geared Reaction |
22149 Silly Goose Robotics |
13601 BeaverBots |
21939 Pythons |
Qualification 11
Sun 1/21 -
2:41 PM
5971 Brain Bots |
12217 Bionic Blazers |
16451 Foundation |
21379 Adna Robotics 2 |
Qualification 12
Sun 1/21 -
2:48 PM
24336 Naselle Comets |
13484 404 not Found |
13480 Oly-wan Kenobi |
20118 The Titans |
Qualification 13
Sun 1/21 -
2:53 PM
21336 I Forgot |
24196 Furious 5 |
7742 The Electric Sheep |
19800 Dragon Byte |
Qualification 14
Sun 1/21 -
3:00 PM
6424 Oly Cow |
13601 BeaverBots |
8548 Bearly Functioning |
11186 Mecha-Mules |
Qualification 15
Sun 1/21 -
3:05 PM
17077 Adna Robotics |
6559 Geared Reaction |
9876 The Countdown |
12217 Bionic Blazers |
Qualification 16
Sun 1/21 -
3:11 PM
16451 Foundation |
10548 Steel Wool |
24489 Orcabotics |
8563 Thunder Goats |
Qualification 17
Sun 1/21 -
3:15 PM
24196 Furious 5 |
21379 Adna Robotics 2 |
13484 404 not Found |
22149 Silly Goose Robotics |
Qualification 18
Sun 1/21 -
3:20 PM
7742 The Electric Sheep |
20118 The Titans |
21939 Pythons |
10244 Bearcat Robotics |
Qualification 19
Sun 1/21 -
3:29 PM
5604 Thunderbots |
5971 Brain Bots |
24336 Naselle Comets |
21336 I Forgot |
Qualification 20
Sun 1/21 -
3:36 PM
11186 Mecha-Mules |
13480 Oly-wan Kenobi |
19800 Dragon Byte |
6559 Geared Reaction |
Qualification 21
Sun 1/21 -
3:41 PM
8548 Bearly Functioning |
13484 404 not Found |
12217 Bionic Blazers |
10548 Steel Wool |
Qualification 22
Sun 1/21 -
3:45 PM
9876 The Countdown |
24196 Furious 5 |
21939 Pythons |
16451 Foundation |
Qualification 23
Sun 1/21 -
3:51 PM
20118 The Titans |
21336 I Forgot |
21379 Adna Robotics 2 |
6424 Oly Cow |
Qualification 24
Sun 1/21 -
3:56 PM
13480 Oly-wan Kenobi |
13601 BeaverBots |
24489 Orcabotics |
5971 Brain Bots |
Qualification 25
Sun 1/21 -
4:02 PM
22149 Silly Goose Robotics |
17077 Adna Robotics |
7742 The Electric Sheep |
24336 Naselle Comets |
Qualification 26
Sun 1/21 -
4:08 PM
19800 Dragon Byte |
8563 Thunder Goats |
10244 Bearcat Robotics |
5604 Thunderbots |
Qualification 27
Sun 1/21 -
4:13 PM
10548 Steel Wool |
21939 Pythons |
11186 Mecha-Mules |
21336 I Forgot |
Qualification 28
Sun 1/21 -
4:23 PM
24489 Orcabotics |
12217 Bionic Blazers |
24196 Furious 5 |
6424 Oly Cow |
Qualification 29
Sun 1/21 -
4:33 PM
8548 Bearly Functioning |
21379 Adna Robotics 2 |
13480 Oly-wan Kenobi |
9876 The Countdown |
Qualification 30
Sun 1/21 -
4:37 PM
6559 Geared Reaction |
7742 The Electric Sheep |
13484 404 not Found |
5604 Thunderbots |
Qualification 31
Sun 1/21 -
4:42 PM
8563 Thunder Goats |
5971 Brain Bots |
20118 The Titans |
17077 Adna Robotics |
Qualification 32
Sun 1/21 -
4:48 PM
16451 Foundation |
10244 Bearcat Robotics |
24336 Naselle Comets |
13601 BeaverBots |
Qualification 33
Sun 1/21 -
4:53 PM
19800 Dragon Byte |
6424 Oly Cow |
22149 Silly Goose Robotics |
8548 Bearly Functioning |