Qualification 1
Sat 2/17 -
11:38 AM
17153 Squid Squad |
18793 Mechanical Masters |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
23476 Firewall Forest |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/17 -
11:42 AM
24194 WHS - Mechatronix |
11308 YISE |
14659 Pleiades Robotics |
24759 Techno Tumbleweeds |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/17 -
11:47 AM
21430 BroomBots |
24770 Durango Robo-Demons |
5899 L.A.S.E.R. |
6382 WHS - Wire Wizards |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/17 -
11:52 AM
17190 MPHS Mecha Maelstrom |
19541 Bearbotics Ragnarok |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
20514 CyberKnights |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/17 -
11:57 AM
8969 Custom Settings |
5115 WHS - Escape Velocity |
16292 Mike's Dream |
22250 Knights of the Ground Cable |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/17 -
12:02 PM
24968 The BEAN Team |
18099 G-R Overdrive |
15403 Vision Robotics |
17969 MECH |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/17 -
12:06 PM
23477 The Highlanders |
5196 Robo Yetis |
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics |
15755 Conductivity |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/17 -
12:11 PM
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
11308 YISE |
21430 BroomBots |
23476 Firewall Forest |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/17 -
12:15 PM
5899 L.A.S.E.R. |
17153 Squid Squad |
24759 Techno Tumbleweeds |
17190 MPHS Mecha Maelstrom |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/17 -
1:03 PM
14659 Pleiades Robotics |
6382 WHS - Wire Wizards |
18793 Mechanical Masters |
8969 Custom Settings |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/17 -
1:07 PM
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
22250 Knights of the Ground Cable |
17969 MECH |
18099 G-R Overdrive |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/17 -
1:12 PM
20514 CyberKnights |
15755 Conductivity |
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics |
15403 Vision Robotics |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/17 -
1:16 PM
19541 Bearbotics Ragnarok |
23477 The Highlanders |
5115 WHS - Escape Velocity |
5196 Robo Yetis |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/17 -
1:21 PM
16292 Mike's Dream |
24968 The BEAN Team |
24770 Durango Robo-Demons |
24194 WHS - Mechatronix |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/17 -
1:29 PM
6382 WHS - Wire Wizards |
24759 Techno Tumbleweeds |
23476 Firewall Forest |
17190 MPHS Mecha Maelstrom |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/17 -
1:35 PM
5899 L.A.S.E.R. |
8969 Custom Settings |
11308 YISE |
18099 G-R Overdrive |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/17 -
1:40 PM
17153 Squid Squad |
21430 BroomBots |
17969 MECH |
20514 CyberKnights |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/17 -
1:44 PM
5196 Robo Yetis |
15403 Vision Robotics |
18793 Mechanical Masters |
22250 Knights of the Ground Cable |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/17 -
1:49 PM
16292 Mike's Dream |
23477 The Highlanders |
24968 The BEAN Team |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/17 -
1:53 PM
19541 Bearbotics Ragnarok |
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics |
24194 WHS - Mechatronix |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/17 -
1:59 PM
5115 WHS - Escape Velocity |
24770 Durango Robo-Demons |
15755 Conductivity |
14659 Pleiades Robotics |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/17 -
2:04 PM
23476 Firewall Forest |
24759 Techno Tumbleweeds |
18099 G-R Overdrive |
21430 BroomBots |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/17 -
2:08 PM
17190 MPHS Mecha Maelstrom |
17969 MECH |
8969 Custom Settings |
5196 Robo Yetis |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/17 -
2:13 PM
11308 YISE |
18793 Mechanical Masters |
20514 CyberKnights |
16292 Mike's Dream |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/17 -
2:17 PM
15403 Vision Robotics |
24194 WHS - Mechatronix |
23477 The Highlanders |
5899 L.A.S.E.R. |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/17 -
2:22 PM
24770 Durango Robo-Demons |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics |
5115 WHS - Escape Velocity |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/17 -
2:38 PM
22250 Knights of the Ground Cable |
15755 Conductivity |
6382 WHS - Wire Wizards |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/17 -
2:34 PM
14659 Pleiades Robotics |
24968 The BEAN Team |
19541 Bearbotics Ragnarok |
17153 Squid Squad |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/17 -
2:49 PM
18099 G-R Overdrive |
16292 Mike's Dream |
21430 BroomBots |
17190 MPHS Mecha Maelstrom |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/17 -
2:45 PM
20514 CyberKnights |
23476 Firewall Forest |
5196 Robo Yetis |
24194 WHS - Mechatronix |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/17 -
2:55 PM
18793 Mechanical Masters |
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics |
5115 WHS - Escape Velocity |
5899 L.A.S.E.R. |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/17 -
3:04 PM
11308 YISE |
6382 WHS - Wire Wizards |
17969 MECH |
23477 The Highlanders |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/17 -
3:09 PM
15755 Conductivity |
8969 Custom Settings |
24968 The BEAN Team |
17153 Squid Squad |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/17 -
3:13 PM
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
15403 Vision Robotics |
14659 Pleiades Robotics |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/17 -
3:18 PM
24759 Techno Tumbleweeds |
19541 Bearbotics Ragnarok |
22250 Knights of the Ground Cable |
24770 Durango Robo-Demons |
Qualification 36
Sat 2/17 -
3:24 PM
24194 WHS - Mechatronix |
21430 BroomBots |
17190 MPHS Mecha Maelstrom |
18793 Mechanical Masters |
Qualification 37
Sat 2/17 -
3:31 PM
18099 G-R Overdrive |
11260 Up-A-Creek Robotics |
6382 WHS - Wire Wizards |
16292 Mike's Dream |
Qualification 38
Sat 2/17 -
3:35 PM
23476 Firewall Forest |
17969 MECH |
15755 Conductivity |
5899 L.A.S.E.R. |
Qualification 39
Sat 2/17 -
3:40 PM
5196 Robo Yetis |
15689 Cyborg Rubber Ducks |
17153 Squid Squad |
11308 YISE |
Qualification 40
Sat 2/17 -
3:45 PM
22250 Knights of the Ground Cable |
20514 CyberKnights |
23477 The Highlanders |
14659 Pleiades Robotics |
Qualification 41
Sat 2/17 -
3:49 PM
11561 The Headless Horsemen |
5115 WHS - Escape Velocity |
24759 Techno Tumbleweeds |
24968 The BEAN Team |
Qualification 42
Sat 2/17 -
3:54 PM
8969 Custom Settings |
15403 Vision Robotics |
24770 Durango Robo-Demons |
19541 Bearbotics Ragnarok |