DoDEA Pacific League
League Information
League Code | FE23 |
Location | APO |
Teams | 10 |
Region | Military and Diplomatic |
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank |
Team |
Average RP |
Average TBP1 |
Average TBP2 |
High Score |
W-L-T |
Matches Played |
League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code |
Name |
Location |
Date |
ONADODFE23LT | DoDEA Pacific FTC | Kadena, AP, USA | 3/7/23 - 3/8/23 |
Number |
Name |
From |
21635 | X Ash A - XII | APO, AP, USA |
21636 | Eddie | APO, AP, USA |
21637 | MonkeyBot | APO, AP, USA |
21638 | 21638 | APO, AP, USA |
21639 | EJ King Middle High School | APO, AP, USA |
21641 | Kinnick Red Devils | APO, AP, USA |
21668 | Toothless MK4 | APO, AP, USA |
21670 | Candyland | APO, AP, USA |
21686 | Samurai Robotics | FPO, AP, USA |
21838 | KDHS Pride | APO, AP, USA |