Qualification 1
Sat 2/11 -
9:36 AM
20948 Hug HS |
21632 Galvanized Gryphons |
21707 MinerBots |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/11 -
9:40 AM
17506 Wolverines |
20681 Giga Bite |
21897 Oasis Academy |
22296 Greenwave Robotics |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/11 -
9:45 AM
22774 URSA Major |
11183 32 Bit McQueen HS |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
21217 The Phoenixes |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/11 -
9:50 AM
15492 ELrobotiKO |
21238 Perpetual Motion |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
20285 Truckee Robotics |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/11 -
9:55 AM
11574 Incognito |
18419 Comstock Coders |
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers |
18203 MCII |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/11 -
10:00 AM
22317 Truckee 2.0 |
21707 MinerBots |
15903 Chaos |
11183 32 Bit McQueen HS |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/11 -
10:09 AM
20948 Hug HS |
21238 Perpetual Motion |
20681 Giga Bite |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/11 -
10:14 AM
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
22296 Greenwave Robotics |
18419 Comstock Coders |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/11 -
10:20 AM
11574 Incognito |
15903 Chaos |
17506 Wolverines |
22774 URSA Major |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/11 -
10:25 AM
21632 Galvanized Gryphons |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers |
21217 The Phoenixes |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/11 -
10:29 AM
20285 Truckee Robotics |
21897 Oasis Academy |
18203 MCII |
22317 Truckee 2.0 |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/11 -
10:47 AM
15903 Chaos |
21707 MinerBots |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/11 -
10:50 AM
11183 32 Bit McQueen HS |
20948 Hug HS |
18419 Comstock Coders |
17506 Wolverines |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/11 -
10:56 AM
22317 Truckee 2.0 |
21217 The Phoenixes |
20681 Giga Bite |
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/11 -
11:01 AM
21632 Galvanized Gryphons |
21897 Oasis Academy |
21238 Perpetual Motion |
11574 Incognito |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/11 -
11:05 AM
18203 MCII |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
22774 URSA Major |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/11 -
11:11 AM
22296 Greenwave Robotics |
15903 Chaos |
20285 Truckee Robotics |
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/11 -
11:15 AM
21217 The Phoenixes |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
20948 Hug HS |
21897 Oasis Academy |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/11 -
11:21 AM
20681 Giga Bite |
21632 Galvanized Gryphons |
22774 URSA Major |
18203 MCII |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/11 -
11:26 AM
18419 Comstock Coders |
20285 Truckee Robotics |
21707 MinerBots |
11574 Incognito |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/11 -
11:30 AM
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
22296 Greenwave Robotics |
21238 Perpetual Motion |
11183 32 Bit McQueen HS |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/11 -
11:35 AM
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
17506 Wolverines |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
22317 Truckee 2.0 |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/11 -
11:40 AM
22774 URSA Major |
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers |
21707 MinerBots |
20948 Hug HS |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/11 -
12:32 PM
11574 Incognito |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
11183 32 Bit McQueen HS |
20681 Giga Bite |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/11 -
12:40 PM
17506 Wolverines |
20285 Truckee Robotics |
21217 The Phoenixes |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/11 -
12:45 PM
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
22317 Truckee 2.0 |
21632 Galvanized Gryphons |
22296 Greenwave Robotics |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/11 -
12:50 PM
15903 Chaos |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
21897 Oasis Academy |
18419 Comstock Coders |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/11 -
12:55 PM
18203 MCII |
21707 MinerBots |
21238 Perpetual Motion |
17506 Wolverines |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/11 -
1:01 PM
20285 Truckee Robotics |
20681 Giga Bite |
11183 32 Bit McQueen HS |
21632 Galvanized Gryphons |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/11 -
1:06 PM
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
21897 Oasis Academy |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/11 -
1:10 PM
22296 Greenwave Robotics |
20948 Hug HS |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
11574 Incognito |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/11 -
1:16 PM
21217 The Phoenixes |
18203 MCII |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
15903 Chaos |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/11 -
1:21 PM
18419 Comstock Coders |
21238 Perpetual Motion |
22317 Truckee 2.0 |
22774 URSA Major |