Qualification 1
Sat 1/28 -
12:13 PM
22083 Lefty Loosey |
13032 Ant Colony |
21984 Robaddies |
2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School |
Qualification 2
Sat 1/28 -
12:19 PM
5108 Amish Electricians |
21225 Shear Force |
10868 Roboteers Cadets |
16939 Robo-Bulldogs |
Qualification 3
Sat 1/28 -
12:24 PM
21682 Spartans |
289 Robohawks 289 |
290 Robohawks 290 |
19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology |
Qualification 4
Sat 1/28 -
12:29 PM
11514 Nexus |
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
21433 Epic Energetic Engineers |
9856 Spaghettified |
Qualification 5
Sat 1/28 -
12:34 PM
7424 Robotic Warriors |
14690 Tech Titans |
18600 Lord Xenu's Fan Club |
14963 Automated Chivalry |
Qualification 6
Sat 1/28 -
12:39 PM
16708 Redneck Engineering |
291 Robohawks 291 |
5481 Cerberus Robotics |
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants |
Qualification 7
Sat 1/28 -
12:43 PM
2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School |
12565 Medusa Serpentine Robotics |
5108 Amish Electricians |
22005 Caution: Flammable |
Qualification 8
Sat 1/28 -
12:47 PM
19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology |
10868 Roboteers Cadets |
21984 Robaddies |
9856 Spaghettified |
Qualification 9
Sat 1/28 -
12:52 PM
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
18600 Lord Xenu's Fan Club |
13032 Ant Colony |
21225 Shear Force |
Qualification 10
Sat 1/28 -
12:56 PM
290 Robohawks 290 |
21433 Epic Energetic Engineers |
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants |
2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School |
Qualification 11
Sat 1/28 -
1:01 PM
14690 Tech Titans |
22005 Caution: Flammable |
291 Robohawks 291 |
21682 Spartans |
Qualification 12
Sat 1/28 -
1:05 PM
16939 Robo-Bulldogs |
5481 Cerberus Robotics |
14963 Automated Chivalry |
2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School |
Qualification 13
Sat 1/28 -
1:09 PM
22083 Lefty Loosey |
16708 Redneck Engineering |
7424 Robotic Warriors |
11514 Nexus |
Qualification 14
Sat 1/28 -
1:13 PM
12565 Medusa Serpentine Robotics |
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants |
289 Robohawks 289 |
21225 Shear Force |
Qualification 15
Sat 1/28 -
1:17 PM
2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School |
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
5108 Amish Electricians |
14690 Tech Titans |
Qualification 16
Sat 1/28 -
1:22 PM
19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology |
2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School |
291 Robohawks 291 |
13032 Ant Colony |
Qualification 17
Sat 1/28 -
1:27 PM
21984 Robaddies |
16939 Robo-Bulldogs |
11514 Nexus |
21682 Spartans |
Qualification 18
Sat 1/28 -
1:31 PM
10868 Roboteers Cadets |
290 Robohawks 290 |
12565 Medusa Serpentine Robotics |
7424 Robotic Warriors |
Qualification 19
Sat 1/28 -
1:37 PM
18600 Lord Xenu's Fan Club |
21433 Epic Energetic Engineers |
5481 Cerberus Robotics |
22083 Lefty Loosey |
Qualification 20
Sat 1/28 -
1:41 PM
22005 Caution: Flammable |
289 Robohawks 289 |
9856 Spaghettified |
16708 Redneck Engineering |
Qualification 21
Sat 1/28 -
1:45 PM
14963 Automated Chivalry |
21984 Robaddies |
21225 Shear Force |
291 Robohawks 291 |
Qualification 22
Sat 1/28 -
1:48 PM
2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School |
7424 Robotic Warriors |
2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School |
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
Qualification 23
Sat 1/28 -
1:54 PM
16939 Robo-Bulldogs |
12565 Medusa Serpentine Robotics |
19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology |
18600 Lord Xenu's Fan Club |
Qualification 24
Sat 1/28 -
2:00 PM
21682 Spartans |
10868 Roboteers Cadets |
16708 Redneck Engineering |
13032 Ant Colony |
Qualification 25
Sat 1/28 -
2:05 PM
5481 Cerberus Robotics |
11514 Nexus |
22005 Caution: Flammable |
290 Robohawks 290 |
Qualification 26
Sat 1/28 -
2:08 PM
21433 Epic Energetic Engineers |
14963 Automated Chivalry |
289 Robohawks 289 |
5108 Amish Electricians |
Qualification 27
Sat 1/28 -
2:12 PM
22083 Lefty Loosey |
9856 Spaghettified |
14690 Tech Titans |
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants |
Qualification 28
Sat 1/28 -
2:16 PM
16708 Redneck Engineering |
12565 Medusa Serpentine Robotics |
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
21984 Robaddies |
Qualification 29
Sat 1/28 -
2:22 PM
21225 Shear Force |
5481 Cerberus Robotics |
21682 Spartans |
7424 Robotic Warriors |
Qualification 30
Sat 1/28 -
2:26 PM
18600 Lord Xenu's Fan Club |
2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School |
22005 Caution: Flammable |
10868 Roboteers Cadets |
Qualification 31
Sat 1/28 -
2:29 PM
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants |
5108 Amish Electricians |
11514 Nexus |
19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology |
Qualification 32
Sat 1/28 -
2:33 PM
9856 Spaghettified |
14963 Automated Chivalry |
13032 Ant Colony |
290 Robohawks 290 |
Qualification 33
Sat 1/28 -
2:38 PM
291 Robohawks 291 |
289 Robohawks 289 |
16939 Robo-Bulldogs |
22083 Lefty Loosey |
Qualification 34
Sat 1/28 -
2:43 PM
14690 Tech Titans |
21433 Epic Energetic Engineers |
2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School |
21984 Robaddies |
Qualification 35
Sat 1/28 -
2:47 PM
21225 Shear Force |
19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology |
2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School |
16708 Redneck Engineering |
Qualification 36
Sat 1/28 -
2:51 PM
2408 Shrapnel Sergeants |
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
14963 Automated Chivalry |
21682 Spartans |
Qualification 37
Sat 1/28 -
2:56 PM
5108 Amish Electricians |
291 Robohawks 291 |
9856 Spaghettified |
18600 Lord Xenu's Fan Club |
Qualification 38
Sat 1/28 -
3:01 PM
289 Robohawks 289 |
2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School |
10868 Roboteers Cadets |
11514 Nexus |
Qualification 39
Sat 1/28 -
3:07 PM
7424 Robotic Warriors |
22005 Caution: Flammable |
21433 Epic Energetic Engineers |
16939 Robo-Bulldogs |
Qualification 40
Sat 1/28 -
3:11 PM
13032 Ant Colony |
5481 Cerberus Robotics |
12565 Medusa Serpentine Robotics |
14690 Tech Titans |
Qualification 41
Sat 1/28 -
3:16 PM
290 Robohawks 290 |
5108 Amish Electricians |
16713 King Julien's Tech Squad |
22083 Lefty Loosey |