Qualification 1
Sat 2/5 -
12:53 PM
13263 Ponyboys |
17480 CIA - Cats In Action |
17307 The Magnificent Seven |
20651 Stang Gang |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/5 -
1:02 PM
15491 Venom Robotics |
16867 Trinity Chargers |
4886 Robo Junkies |
11902 RoboGlizzy |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/5 -
1:15 PM
10860 QuickSilver |
15662 Starbucks |
4906 Junkyard Dawgs |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/5 -
1:21 PM
20238 Rapture Raptors |
9735 Canis Major |
13249 Nova Robotics |
4885 OmegaBotz |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/5 -
1:28 PM
15663 Buckineers |
14826 Wyld Stallyns |
9381 Hot Bots |
13805 Robotic Chaos |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/5 -
1:34 PM
11004 Cantina Crew |
16914 Alpha Dawgs |
4897 Bodacious Bulldawgs |
17306 Humble Motiv8ors |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/5 -
1:39 PM
17481 Talk Nerdy to Me |
17304 A Perfect Remix |
9362 Samurai Robotics |
19801 Rogue Robotics |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/5 -
1:45 PM
14905 Bad Batch Bots |
14826 Wyld Stallyns |
9735 Canis Major |
15493 Misfits |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/5 -
1:53 PM
4885 OmegaBotz |
17307 The Magnificent Seven |
15663 Buckineers |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/5 -
2:00 PM
13249 Nova Robotics |
4886 Robo Junkies |
11004 Cantina Crew |
13263 Ponyboys |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/5 -
2:11 PM
15493 Misfits |
17306 Humble Motiv8ors |
16867 Trinity Chargers |
4906 Junkyard Dawgs |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/5 -
2:17 PM
17481 Talk Nerdy to Me |
20238 Rapture Raptors |
10860 QuickSilver |
15491 Venom Robotics |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/5 -
2:23 PM
9381 Hot Bots |
15662 Starbucks |
17480 CIA - Cats In Action |
17304 A Perfect Remix |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/5 -
2:28 PM
4897 Bodacious Bulldawgs |
14905 Bad Batch Bots |
13805 Robotic Chaos |
9362 Samurai Robotics |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/5 -
2:34 PM
20651 Stang Gang |
19801 Rogue Robotics |
11902 RoboGlizzy |
16914 Alpha Dawgs |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/5 -
2:40 PM
4885 OmegaBotz |
4906 Junkyard Dawgs |
4886 Robo Junkies |
17481 Talk Nerdy to Me |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/5 -
2:47 PM
9362 Samurai Robotics |
9735 Canis Major |
17306 Humble Motiv8ors |
9381 Hot Bots |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/5 -
2:53 PM
15493 Misfits |
4897 Bodacious Bulldawgs |
20651 Stang Gang |
20238 Rapture Raptors |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/5 -
2:58 PM
15491 Venom Robotics |
11004 Cantina Crew |
17480 CIA - Cats In Action |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/5 -
3:04 PM
10860 QuickSilver |
17304 A Perfect Remix |
16914 Alpha Dawgs |
14905 Bad Batch Bots |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/5 -
3:10 PM
13263 Ponyboys |
14826 Wyld Stallyns |
19801 Rogue Robotics |
16867 Trinity Chargers |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/5 -
3:16 PM
11902 RoboGlizzy |
15662 Starbucks |
15663 Buckineers |
13249 Nova Robotics |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/5 -
3:21 PM
13805 Robotic Chaos |
15491 Venom Robotics |
17307 The Magnificent Seven |
9735 Canis Major |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/5 -
3:26 PM
4885 OmegaBotz |
13263 Ponyboys |
17304 A Perfect Remix |
15493 Misfits |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/5 -
3:32 PM
9381 Hot Bots |
19801 Rogue Robotics |
4897 Bodacious Bulldawgs |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/5 -
3:37 PM
20651 Stang Gang |
13249 Nova Robotics |
9362 Samurai Robotics |
16867 Trinity Chargers |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/5 -
3:42 PM
16914 Alpha Dawgs |
17307 The Magnificent Seven |
14826 Wyld Stallyns |
15662 Starbucks |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/5 -
3:56 PM
11902 RoboGlizzy |
17306 Humble Motiv8ors |
14905 Bad Batch Bots |
17481 Talk Nerdy to Me |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/5 -
4:02 PM
17480 CIA - Cats In Action |
4886 Robo Junkies |
15663 Buckineers |
10860 QuickSilver |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/5 -
4:07 PM
20238 Rapture Raptors |
13805 Robotic Chaos |
4906 Junkyard Dawgs |
11004 Cantina Crew |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/5 -
4:12 PM
15662 Starbucks |
20651 Stang Gang |
4885 OmegaBotz |
15491 Venom Robotics |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/5 -
4:18 PM
13249 Nova Robotics |
10860 QuickSilver |
17307 The Magnificent Seven |
4897 Bodacious Bulldawgs |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/5 -
4:23 PM
13805 Robotic Chaos |
17304 A Perfect Remix |
11902 RoboGlizzy |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/5 -
4:29 PM
4886 Robo Junkies |
9362 Samurai Robotics |
15493 Misfits |
16914 Alpha Dawgs |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/5 -
4:34 PM
4906 Junkyard Dawgs |
15663 Buckineers |
9735 Canis Major |
13263 Ponyboys |
Qualification 36
Sat 2/5 -
4:40 PM
19801 Rogue Robotics |
14905 Bad Batch Bots |
17480 CIA - Cats In Action |
20238 Rapture Raptors |
Qualification 37
Sat 2/5 -
4:46 PM
16867 Trinity Chargers |
17481 Talk Nerdy to Me |
9381 Hot Bots |
11004 Cantina Crew |
Qualification 38
Sat 2/5 -
4:52 PM
17306 Humble Motiv8ors |
4885 OmegaBotz |
14826 Wyld Stallyns |
4886 Robo Junkies |