Qualification 1
Sun 3/13 -
11:10 AM
18346 AA Batteries |
16533 Infernobots |
17759 Mind |
18311 Icon Maniacs |
Qualification 2
Sun 3/13 -
11:15 AM
19819 AstroBruins |
14300 Animatronics |
5206 The Knights of Ni |
11311 Paragon |
Qualification 3
Sun 3/13 -
11:19 AM
8872 Robopocalypse |
14318 BioBots |
5773 Ink and Metal |
524 Boss Bots |
Qualification 4
Sun 3/13 -
11:24 AM
7390 MSET JellyFish |
14341 Hypercube Robotics |
9614 Hyperion |
16236 Juice |
Qualification 5
Sun 3/13 -
11:29 AM
12869 Voyager 6+ |
11039 Innov8rz |
7854 MidKnight Madness |
6165 MSET CuttleFish |
Qualification 6
Sun 3/13 -
11:35 AM
4345 Aragon Robotics |
14525 TerraBats |
14259 TURBΩ V8 |
16887 Tail Gators |
Qualification 7
Sun 3/13 -
11:44 AM
524 Boss Bots |
16533 Infernobots |
14341 Hypercube Robotics |
14300 Animatronics |
Qualification 8
Sun 3/13 -
11:49 AM
18311 Icon Maniacs |
6165 MSET CuttleFish |
16236 Juice |
8872 Robopocalypse |
Qualification 9
Sun 3/13 -
11:54 AM
17759 Mind |
4345 Aragon Robotics |
14318 BioBots |
7854 MidKnight Madness |
Qualification 10
Sun 3/13 -
11:59 AM
9614 Hyperion |
12869 Voyager 6+ |
14525 TerraBats |
19819 AstroBruins |
Qualification 11
Sun 3/13 -
12:04 PM
14259 TURBΩ V8 |
11039 Innov8rz |
18346 AA Batteries |
5206 The Knights of Ni |
Qualification 12
Sun 3/13 -
12:13 PM
16887 Tail Gators |
5773 Ink and Metal |
11311 Paragon |
7390 MSET JellyFish |
Qualification 13
Sun 3/13 -
1:19 PM
6165 MSET CuttleFish |
14525 TerraBats |
14300 Animatronics |
17759 Mind |
Qualification 14
Sun 3/13 -
1:25 PM
9614 Hyperion |
5206 The Knights of Ni |
4345 Aragon Robotics |
8872 Robopocalypse |
Qualification 15
Sun 3/13 -
1:30 PM
14318 BioBots |
11311 Paragon |
11039 Innov8rz |
18311 Icon Maniacs |
Qualification 16
Sun 3/13 -
1:35 PM
19819 AstroBruins |
5773 Ink and Metal |
7854 MidKnight Madness |
14341 Hypercube Robotics |
Qualification 17
Sun 3/13 -
1:41 PM
16236 Juice |
524 Boss Bots |
16887 Tail Gators |
18346 AA Batteries |
Qualification 18
Sun 3/13 -
1:53 PM
16533 Infernobots |
14259 TURBΩ V8 |
12869 Voyager 6+ |
7390 MSET JellyFish |
Qualification 19
Sun 3/13 -
1:57 PM
11039 Innov8rz |
14300 Animatronics |
5773 Ink and Metal |
4345 Aragon Robotics |
Qualification 20
Sun 3/13 -
2:04 PM
7854 MidKnight Madness |
9614 Hyperion |
18311 Icon Maniacs |
16887 Tail Gators |
Qualification 21
Sun 3/13 -
2:10 PM
5206 The Knights of Ni |
17759 Mind |
524 Boss Bots |
12869 Voyager 6+ |
Qualification 22
Sun 3/13 -
2:15 PM
8872 Robopocalypse |
18346 AA Batteries |
7390 MSET JellyFish |
19819 AstroBruins |
Qualification 23
Sun 3/13 -
2:20 PM
11311 Paragon |
16236 Juice |
16533 Infernobots |
14525 TerraBats |
Qualification 24
Sun 3/13 -
2:25 PM
14341 Hypercube Robotics |
6165 MSET CuttleFish |
14259 TURBΩ V8 |
14318 BioBots |
Qualification 25
Sun 3/13 -
2:35 PM
16887 Tail Gators |
17759 Mind |
8872 Robopocalypse |
11039 Innov8rz |
Qualification 26
Sun 3/13 -
2:40 PM
4345 Aragon Robotics |
18311 Icon Maniacs |
524 Boss Bots |
19819 AstroBruins |
Qualification 27
Sun 3/13 -
2:48 PM
14525 TerraBats |
7390 MSET JellyFish |
14318 BioBots |
5206 The Knights of Ni |
Qualification 28
Sun 3/13 -
2:58 PM
16236 Juice |
7854 MidKnight Madness |
14300 Animatronics |
14259 TURBΩ V8 |
Qualification 29
Sun 3/13 -
3:03 PM
18346 AA Batteries |
12869 Voyager 6+ |
11311 Paragon |
14341 Hypercube Robotics |
Qualification 30
Sun 3/13 -
3:10 PM
16533 Infernobots |
5773 Ink and Metal |
6165 MSET CuttleFish |
9614 Hyperion |