Saturn League

League Information
League Code oksaturn
Location Oklahoma
Teams 16
Region Oklahoma
Parent League Oklahoma Statewide
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Ranking Points
Tie Breaker 1
Tie Breaker 2
High Score
1 10641 2,361 609 680 273 36 10
2 6735 1,838 671 475 205 30 10
3 4378 1,230 339 235 178 30 10
4 14906 1,169 446 395 157 36 10
5 7506 1,102 308 490 145 36 10
6 12535 960 224 460 142 36 10
7 7366 823 237 270 103 30 10
8 7242 773 335 270 85 24 10
9 13049 613 344 145 108 30 10
10 15657 190 120 70 40 30 10
11 16426 105 25 80 25 36 10
12 18851 103 45 0 26 18 10
13 13538 0 0 0 0 18 10
14 18333 0 0 0 0 24 10
15 17185 0 0 0 0 18 10
16 11344 0 0 0 0 18 10
USOKSALT1 OK FTC Saturn League Tournament HYBRID Newcastle, OK, USA 4/3/21
4378 Black Box Robotics Newcastle, OK, USA
6735 Team Medusa Newcastle, OK, USA
7242 BC Robocats Blanchard, OK, USA
7366 The Lab Rats Newcastle, OK, USA
7506 System Overload Frederick, OK, USA
10641 Atomic Gears Shawnee, OK, USA
11344 Merritt Oilers Elk City, OK, USA
12535 Revolutionary Robots Oklahoma City, OK, USA
13049 Prototypes Newcastle, OK, USA
13538 Irish Steel Oklahoma City, OK, USA
14906 Leviathan Robotics Tulsa, OK, USA
15657 Millwood Robotics Oklahoma City, OK, USA
16426 Absolute Zero Shawnee, OK, USA
17185 Odyssey Robotics oklahoma city, OK, USA
18333 Void Elements Edmond, OK, USA
18851 OK Edmond, OK, USA