Qualification 1
Sat 2/8 -
5:15 AM
16610 Controlled Chaos |
15747 "El Robo" |
6217 The Fellowship |
14928 Welcome to the Machine |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/8 -
5:20 AM
13540 Rhodeberto |
3032 Hyperion |
10376 Blue Screen of Death |
12193 METrix |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/8 -
5:25 AM
7093 RaiderBots |
652 Underdogs |
15374 Bolts and Bytes |
8413 Invaders |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/8 -
5:30 AM
3351 Tater Bots |
154 Renegade |
149 Hawks |
17847 The Velocity Raptors |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/8 -
5:35 AM
16275 Cumberland HS |
12501 Team Rocket |
6527 The Powell Rangers |
701 The GONK Squad |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/8 -
5:40 AM
7046 The Spartins |
8129 Sons of Liberty |
4333 Elite Machinez |
10773 Chariho Chargers2 |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/8 -
5:45 AM
3901 The Patriots |
9219 If It Ain't Broke |
13181 Free WiFi |
10847 Robo Eagles |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/8 -
5:50 AM
7093 RaiderBots |
14928 Welcome to the Machine |
13540 Rhodeberto |
149 Hawks |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/8 -
5:55 AM
12193 METrix |
6217 The Fellowship |
12501 Team Rocket |
7046 The Spartins |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/8 -
6:00 AM
10376 Blue Screen of Death |
13181 Free WiFi |
652 Underdogs |
3351 Tater Bots |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/8 -
6:05 AM
3032 Hyperion |
15747 "El Robo" |
17847 The Velocity Raptors |
6527 The Powell Rangers |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/8 -
6:10 AM
154 Renegade |
4333 Elite Machinez |
9219 If It Ain't Broke |
16610 Controlled Chaos |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/8 -
6:15 AM
10773 Chariho Chargers2 |
8413 Invaders |
10847 Robo Eagles |
16275 Cumberland HS |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/8 -
6:20 AM
15374 Bolts and Bytes |
8129 Sons of Liberty |
701 The GONK Squad |
3901 The Patriots |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/8 -
6:25 AM
4333 Elite Machinez |
6527 The Powell Rangers |
149 Hawks |
10376 Blue Screen of Death |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/8 -
6:30 AM
17847 The Velocity Raptors |
9219 If It Ain't Broke |
12193 METrix |
652 Underdogs |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/8 -
6:35 AM
154 Renegade |
10847 Robo Eagles |
15747 "El Robo" |
8129 Sons of Liberty |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/8 -
6:40 AM
10773 Chariho Chargers2 |
13181 Free WiFi |
14928 Welcome to the Machine |
12501 Team Rocket |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/8 -
6:45 AM
16275 Cumberland HS |
7046 The Spartins |
13540 Rhodeberto |
15374 Bolts and Bytes |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/8 -
6:50 AM
701 The GONK Squad |
16610 Controlled Chaos |
7093 RaiderBots |
3032 Hyperion |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/8 -
6:55 AM
3351 Tater Bots |
3901 The Patriots |
8413 Invaders |
6217 The Fellowship |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/8 -
7:00 AM
14928 Welcome to the Machine |
16275 Cumberland HS |
8129 Sons of Liberty |
12193 METrix |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/8 -
7:05 AM
9219 If It Ain't Broke |
10376 Blue Screen of Death |
7046 The Spartins |
7093 RaiderBots |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/8 -
7:10 AM
15374 Bolts and Bytes |
4333 Elite Machinez |
3032 Hyperion |
3351 Tater Bots |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/8 -
7:15 AM
701 The GONK Squad |
149 Hawks |
15747 "El Robo" |
8413 Invaders |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/8 -
7:20 AM
16610 Controlled Chaos |
10773 Chariho Chargers2 |
3901 The Patriots |
17847 The Velocity Raptors |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/8 -
7:25 AM
6217 The Fellowship |
6527 The Powell Rangers |
13181 Free WiFi |
154 Renegade |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/8 -
7:30 AM
10847 Robo Eagles |
12501 Team Rocket |
652 Underdogs |
13540 Rhodeberto |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/8 -
7:35 AM
8413 Invaders |
17847 The Velocity Raptors |
14928 Welcome to the Machine |
4333 Elite Machinez |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/8 -
7:40 AM
3351 Tater Bots |
12193 METrix |
10773 Chariho Chargers2 |
7093 RaiderBots |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/8 -
7:45 AM
10376 Blue Screen of Death |
15747 "El Robo" |
12501 Team Rocket |
15374 Bolts and Bytes |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/8 -
7:50 AM
8129 Sons of Liberty |
149 Hawks |
13181 Free WiFi |
3032 Hyperion |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/8 -
7:55 AM
6527 The Powell Rangers |
7046 The Spartins |
10847 Robo Eagles |
16610 Controlled Chaos |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/8 -
8:00 AM
3901 The Patriots |
652 Underdogs |
16275 Cumberland HS |
154 Renegade |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/8 -
8:05 AM
6217 The Fellowship |
13540 Rhodeberto |
9219 If It Ain't Broke |
701 The GONK Squad |